FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Wait speaking of that insanity could be cult :thinking:

I forgot about the unflipped

literally nobody would claim Paladin as scuum ever in FoL and youā€™re bad for even thinking itā€™s a possibility

Meme could have been pally.

Again, first FoL game

Cult wouldā€™ve had no way of knowing lol

Still itā€™s not good to exe me. Iā€™m the only protector left. Bait n Switch eh

also just saying but you literally changed the maths in such a way that it looks like weā€™re in LyLo halfway through that post

/points to my gaurds


Wanna risk it? We have 2 prā€™s that need to be protected (Pally and Prince) and if you lynch me there is only 1 protector

youā€™re literally scum lmao

Oh and they are gonna kill you if you guard whamm or ins

But you donā€™t have to lynch me to win

Just saying but Priest also has a 1-shot protecc, and wwe know thereā€™s a preist

weā€™re executing you tonight

Yup, 1-shot.

Paladin has Smite, and thus I can gaurd the last PR to make them indestructible

also thereā€™s no reason Cult can be bound to by the Revenant/

Youā€™re just trying to scare us into thinking itā€™s LyLo when itā€™s not. Heck, the prescence of an NK is enough to make us want to take our time, since crosskills are a thing.

As previously said, we should leave it to the Cult to eliminate Fire. They have more info than us inherrently and have a reliable kill to test for them.

Letā€™s work out the different scenarios:
If I get exed tonight:

  1. You guard whamm, priest saves his protect: Cult attack you and insanity
  2. You protect yourself, priest protects whamm. Cult kills insanity

If you donā€™t and get cult tonight:

  1. you get cl and no one dies
  2. You get other cult and you protect prince, priest insanity, I bait and switch target with you. No one dies