FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Look, this is simple.
I’m observer who was trying to fake claim Alche
So there could easily be people who fell for my trick

Pretty sure someone alive should’ve checked me by now.
Yet alone the fact that my logs contain 2 people who can confirm me (+1 more if anyone checked cheesy recently too)

@Frostwolf103 @Insanity please confirm you both visited Wham N2.

You do realise Wolf never said this and so your point is invalid

Cult alts exist PKR
you aren’t confirmed. Not by a long shot

You could be the starting seeker trained in order to claim Observer

Ici, just think about this for a second.
If I was cult…
First of all, why fake claim observer?
Second of all, why tf would I claim to have not birded at all?

pkr aren’t you muting this thread?

because you wanted to make it look like you ‘townslipped’ and because Observer is a pretty townie claim

also because it’s entirely a possibility you were the N1 convert too

My claim of having not birded is so fucking scummy that you cannot really deny that I couldn’t be scum who messed up that badly.
Which means that due to my own idiocy I am town and be confirmed by a Pala checking me if we have one alive. (Which we should do as none flipped yet, right?) unless that was meme in which I’m seriously unimpressed with 2 people here for screwing us over big time by taking away out f’ing counter. Unless in this situation they’d do something about this problem too.
@Wolfy please answer this when you get a chance. If Meme was Pala, what would happen? Would we just have no counter?

I can screenshot proof that it’s muted :stuck_out_tongue:
I can still get access to it as it’s in my top notifications and I cannot get rid of those

insanity is literally lock paladin
nobody would EVER fakeclaim paladin like that un’ccd

Ici, can’t we question someone else?
We very very likely have 4 cult alive

Also if Insanity truly is lock Pala…
Then, he may have checked me~

also btw you might’ve just forgotten to come up with birb targets and just claimed that you forgot in the hopes you become TWTBAW

I cannot be starting cult~

but you can be converted
my point still stands

Thus if you want to argue I am cult, they’d have had to have chosen to convert me.
There has only been 2 opportunities for converts to get off.
(Assuming no Mys convert which resets cooldown)

Again, I claimed Neut.
Who here would have decided “Let’s just go for PKR just in case he’s merc. It’s not like there are many other classes which he could be as a neutral, all of which are convert immune. So we can totally risk wasting a night”?


Tbf I thought you were merc aswell

Merc and Alchemist are the only townsided neuuts, and Mthe was already claiming Alchemist, so you were obviously merc.

Why would I claim Neutral when Merc is known as a powerhouse if I believed that’s what people would have voted I was softed as?

Uwot? Merc is not townsided and Alche isn’t unique.

Starting contract for merc can be any form of scum.
It can also be NK (In which I would be feel sorry for any poor sucker who got stuck with that. Not only having to try to keep alive a suicidal maniac, but also having to actually protect FK)