FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

PKR can you like not be scummy af

Oh by the way can you post your scumreads PKR?

I havenā€™t made any but I will try to.
Ici, please move your votes off me.
I know I am scummy af this game.
But Insanity can prove me beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Also, observer can be useful


@Firelitten want some? :popcorn:

actually just never vote anyone ever because they can be provable by paladin

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Yes donā€™t exe me I can be proven by pally :wink:

Wham, we have people who havenā€™t claimed.
Observer is useful.
Any flipping invest at this point is.
Donā€™t deny that.

we donā€™t have enough time to ā€˜prove people via palaidnā€™ thatā€™s literally not the point of Paladin

Also ritualist can tailor you btw

Broadcasting who the pally is going to check is ALWAYS a bad idea

Youā€™ll do anything you can to accuse meā€¦
Also, we have 1 ritualist dead.
Soā€¦ Max of 3 cult atm Ici.
Assuming I am Cult, likely you are trying to imply.
Youā€™re saying me + Ritualist exist in which is that really that likely?
Ritualist would more likely tailor the CL because they have been avoiding Pala check quite well.

Counterpoint: Youā€™re literally telling the Paladin to check you in order to clear you.

Just saying but Preist could be converted, and I really can see Sam being converted and ordered to try and be salty towards me

What the f Ici?
Have you not realised a very huge possibility which I, myself pointed out?
Sam could be a puppet,
If he is, then that would explain the claim of there being 4 cult yesterdayā€¦
As 3 cult alive + puppet

I literally said that he was a puppet in that post just there

Came out wrong but that was what I was trying to say

I suggested that ages ago.
I also now used something to back that up.
Itā€™s actually day 6 nowā€¦
If Sam was truly brought back though N4 and is puppetā€¦ Then they likely converted the priest Night 3. Reasoning being, why would you delay when you can get to max membership?

If the priest was converted Night 3
Then Iā€™d have to have been converted night 1

which is 100% a possbility because convert has higher priority than investigate

The only possibility for me to be converted is Night 1, Ici.
I think that considering how thatā€™s only 1 possibility, we should certainly focus on others first.

what youā€™re forgetting is how scumy you are

also have you got some reads yet?

Not yet as Iā€™m defending myself.
Also, Iā€™m going out today which is why Iā€™d appreciate some lenience.
I have Birmingham Pride with babe.
So Iā€™ll be delayed with my reads yet donā€™t want to be killed while I am gone
Did we have a priest claim? If so, vote them

Also babe will be on later.