FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Cheesy isn’t cult.

And PKR, you said I will need to confirm you that I visited Whamm N2?

Answer is: I didn’t do my action cuz I forgot about this game.

So either PKR or insanity is lying :thinking:

Meme was pally

/Vote insanity

I’m getting Wolf to talk to you in a bit.
You’re wrong.
I just asked him and he said that you did visit

Due to day not changing I forgot this is day 6 for a second.
My results there are actually 1 day off.
Insanity and Frost was N3

yeah here’s the thing
insanity is so townie it’s unfunny

him forgetting to do checks is S T A N D A R D and I’d beleive him over you


It says Day 5 atm, right?
But it’s day 6



Blame Wolfy/Pug.

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Can you confirm your N3 visit please :expressionless:
I got the wrong time due to hosts not updating things which are important

no. Blame Wolfy, 1. I cannot edit this thread, 2. Wolfy is busy rn

But yes. It IS Day 6.

Yes. I did visited him N3.

But the possibility of you getting converted?

Did you check me recently?

I only checked you Night 1.

i’m trying to comprehend how the fuck the title not changing would ever change your logs
but then i relaised that with scum!PKR, anything is possible

You do confirm my result on Cheesy at least.
Now, Ici. If I was Cult, what reason do I have for getting someone else scummy off the hook with a BD result? I don’t have one.
I could have easily claimed Cheesy was Neut

because you know cheesy is town and want credit if he ever gets mislynched
you are mechanically unprovable, so use fucking reads

Well when I didn’t specifically make logs put together.
Then I didn’t realise what was where.