FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

You stole their steak before he died

Plus they hate ghosts

I donā€™t even eat steak.

I eat ghost fish :frowning:

Well thats what the wolves are telling me

Can u tell them to not try to eat me?

Sorry but only the dead hunter can

the blue dragon dosenā€™t negotiate with terrorists, desist in meming with the spoopy ghost lady

faliure to comply will result in immediate deathtunneling



He was hunting a pokemon so I spooked him. Apparently hunters are easily spooked.

Plz talk to me :frowning:

Speaking off who was the idiot who let the person who uses a ritual into the castle?

Tech doesnā€™t remember the party the butler had.

Which is funny cause someone tried bypassing my occupy immunity.

But I bypass that :wink:

I donā€™t want to push but, Sam17z. Please speak what you mean with that? How do you know?

But plz talk to meā€¦

Just. Lonely ghost here

I wish, but all you did is spook Rogue that looks like pokemon? He doesnā€™t resemble as one.

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He hunted one.

Heā€™s a awful hunter :frowning:

I guess that is what caused the title is about, you killed the wolvesā€™s master.

I didnā€™t mean tooā€¦

I just spooked him :frowning:

I wish you are the friendliest ghost, if you know who I refer to.

You could always just leave me alone.

(I had to look it up lol)