FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

I mean fk killed the hunter right. And there was no other kill. And there was no kill n1 too so safe to assume cult game. And idk why cult would not use a free eradicate so inferring a failed convert n1

I didnā€™t

I spooked him.

Not my fault :frowning:

So just confirmed that he killed the hunter soā€¦


I didnā€™t kill him.

I spooked him trying to do a prank but it went wrong :frowning:

Not my fault he had a heart attack

We really need to find his bound fast


Thatā€™s rude.

Plus you need to find the unseen.

We should start asking for logs. RVS 2

Ah that make sense, either the jailed person from N1 is possible the cult leader or tried to convert this said jailed person - or they did try to attack someone but it failed this night? I would consider your theory for now that they may have not successfully converted N1.

I was attacked N1 so.

Then again, who are we dealing with?

Indeed, still quite a few possibilities. unseen could have hit 2 immune/jaileds in a row (or been jailed one of those nights), CL may have been stopped the first night, or hit something he couldnā€™t convert. Or he may have converted something but failed to kill. Either way though Iā€™ll also agree, itā€™s about 80% chance of a cult game. Thereā€™s far more plausible no evil faction kills for 2 days, on the cults side than unseen.

We should still think that cult (I think) have had all there conversion until proven otherwise. Cult could have easily not killed anyone for the purpose of confusing town. To my knowledge there will be 4 cult by the end of tonight if none of them are killed

I was attacked N1 so possibility there

Worse case scenario, the first convert is that Mystic turned Apostle and used their alt to get free convert.

What do you think? This also means that using the telepathy ability again will spend all their cult points so to prove that the mystic hasnā€™t converted in this scenario, he have to use Link Minds with someone.

It seems more like a unseen game if fire got attacked the night he used the ritual is complete




Yeah that make sense for Unseen to do that, would that be also unusual for Cult to attack first rather than brainwash?

How does smite work here