FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)


Why would you think that

Hi frewn

Hi not so-non killer other neut :slight_smile:

Aka frewn :upside_down_face:

:slight_smile: I like frewns

Tech is most likely converted Butler

> Claims Phys
> Converted butler



I think so too


Sorry I was not paying attention


For you too

:thinking: Great, I love Crimson Potions.

Do we have info on mole?

I do, he’s BD


Anyone cc BD?

You claim yourself BD? I too will claim BD :kissing_heart:

We have a cc.

Anyone who doesn’t cc this can’t claim BD btw.

Anything else I missed?

Current Votecount:

Frostwolf - Moleland (1/8)
techwolves - Icibalus, Frost, Sam, Braixen, Insanity, MtheJoker (7/8)

With 14 alive, majority is 8 today.

/vote Insanity

What is with this vote and leave mechanic


Current Votecount:

Frostwolf - Moleland (1/8)
techwolves - Icibalus, Sam, Braixen, Insanity, MtheJoker (6/8)
Insanity - Frost (1/8)

With 14 alive, majority is 8 today.

Updated Prod List:

@Whammerist, I just reread and noticed that you haven’t posted anything the last few days as well. With this being said, you have 24 hours before you are replaced.