FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Since I am dead

If a butler party I won’t be affected right?

Hold on whamm hasnt posted and only one attack and one death from fire hm should we get a claim

I actually didnt nptice

Till the prod msg

A butler party does work

24 hours is up sorry Whamm you were modkilled

that’s not even how… anything works…
i’ve been doing things for school and haven’t had enough time to pay attention in really any fms.
it’ll be funny to see karma nip you in the ass if you guys do try to drive a claim out of me.
i’ve softclaimed enough. rest assured I completed all of my actions.

Well im just sus of it anyone else want a claim from him?

Explain why you sus of it?

Hasnt talked in a few days like stated not sharing anything or giving reads

@Insanity come and speak please

does anyone have a claim list?
depending on how full it is, I might change my mind.
but holy fuck if my claim isn’t obvious already.

also inactivity prod to @Wolfy please update the graveyard with roles :frowning:


Reading is fun… You should try it.

FK is dead though, but you say he is alive!

And if I can’t read?
Seems awfully discriminatory to me bud

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Counterpoint. If you couldn’t read, how would you have read about the prod I gave you and everything else?

He has a scribe!!

Someone else read it to him!

Then they died of a heart attack!

Counterpoint denied
if there’s a particular reason why you aren’t updating the op you could always just tell us again >.<