FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Write the people who claimed already and post it. Also show the people who haven’t claimed thanks bud

Provide a defence @Wolfy

Frost doing this will help you gain some town motivation so do it


Can you actually tell me how the questions work. It seems like they didn’t even do anything.

both of you suck lol
frost if you want to ignore sam and make a claimlist, we’d be really appreciative
thanks :heart:

Didn’t MtheJoker claim we got Mystic linked with him Night 1? At any case I add this, hold on…

techwolves - Physician claim
MtheJoker - Alchemist Claim
Icibalus:crown: - King
Firekitten - Died Night 1 as Spiritualist - Revenant
Rogue - Died Night 2 - Hunter
PoisonedSquid - Died Day 2 - Noble

MM/CL | SIN/RC | Prince | SH/PAL | NON/RBD | NON/RBD | Mystic | RBD | RBD | RBD

PokemonKidRyan - not attacked
Sam17z - not attacked
techwolves - not attacked
Moleland - not attacked
tbone30 - not attacked
MtheJoker - not attacked
Icibalus - not attacked
CheesyKnives - not attacked
Insanity - not attacked
Whammerist - not attacked
Braixen - not attacked
Frostwolf103 - not attacked
Firekitten - Attacked by Unseen/Cult
Vandalay - not attacked
Rogue - Attacked by Revenant
PoisonedSquid - not attacked

We can’t trust this.

I know, but MtheJoker posted his logs and claims to heal me twice.

Something is wrong with him.

So was joker linked N1?

Don’t trust it sam.

I gave you info and you don’t have to trust it :man_shrugging:

Here’s another thing, he didn’t mention he has been linked by Mystic in his logs.

Honestly this makes me want to vote Frost.

Do it :popcorn:

Okay? You should read M’s posts often.

Ussually when you are making class claims you leak your class. But this time you were very attentive to detail that you did not leak it. So it makes me think you are scum. Tbh I wanted you to leak your class with the class claims.



Sam is smart

that’s the dumbest…
oh my god lel