FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Not a scribe…

Scribes write.

Counterpoint to your denied. Perhaps read underneath the OP.

A scribe for reading then!

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Anyways FK is dead!!

So 13/16 = Majority = 7

That’s just called a reader :neutral_face:

Let’s try and not take it off topic for now

counterpoint accepted rof

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I don’t wanna be dead doe :frowning:

No Sam. The number stays the same. Even though Fire is dead, he still is a current player.

But FK can’t vote so why should they count to the amount of votes?


So I win when 3 people are alive? Sweet

So I can :slight_smile:

Because even though he is alive in another manner, like all other neutralk killers, the majority will always be the same. Same as Noble. A player unable to vote will count for majority still.

Ok but yeah, now that it’s the weekend and my horrid activity has been uncovered – can someone make a claimlist, and then let’s get the show on the road

Joker = Alch
Tech = Phys

I’m more powerful than I thought

@Frostwolf103 make a claim list please! Thanks!


I could do that, but you know this is unusual FoL game since there’s no massclaim going on.

Game solved

Wolfy is evil

/Vote wolfy

Since we have a ghost voting system as dead people. I am allowed to vote other ghost aka wolfy.