FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

The moment you are resisting the urge to claim :thinking:

why am i Here.

I’m not mant to be here.


I agree with Ici, although I tend to act serious in most of my games, it’s important to focus on facts and behavior.

Especially here

You tend to act serious?

Let me change that

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Please do, Cheddar boy.

:thinking: very hardly on whether to claim or not…


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Decided against it tbh.

Aw now im sad im not king anymore :confused:

You’ll always be King in our hearts



@Wolfy You had this in the wrong category, so i fixed it. :wink:

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where was it originally

Well, sorta had it right and wrong. Didn’t put it into fol catagory


Ensuring that your scummates can find the thread I see?

Mostly just posting so i can get notifications since i’m one of the judges
Gotta read y’alls bullshit!
Kappa :^)


Oh lol I forgot you weren’t playing
Give me all the point plz :heart:

Whammerist I am going to be the bested of pro town. Especially with this spelling don’t worry.

You can count on me to help!

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Ima quote that