For if you are gone for long periods of time

If anybody wishes to host WoW:BfA or the setup I was mid-way planning (Geyde has it) you can go ahead and pick them up. I don’t think I’ll be around to host them.
If nobody hosts them then I’ll just host them if I come back.

I’m going to be finishing up with the Resistance and Magnus’ roleplay obviously.

Goodbye everyone.


where u going?

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What are you up to?


Currently nowhere considering the pace the RP is going at. And I couldn’t stop myself joining the anniversary events.

I plan to finish a small segment of my education that is actually really important albeit short and also improve on my ability to read during forum games. It doesn’t help I had taken a break from all social deduction games prior to joining this forum. I feel as though blowing you up, executing Possessed and being executed by Marshal isn’t something I wouldn’t have done if I was experienced more in long-term reading. I feel like a complete newbie.

My performance in RRM was up to standard as I was playing as mafia and it’s normal mafia which is ‘my area’.

It’s only just occured to me that the only person that understands my playstyle is @astand. They remind me of someone I used to play with called ‘VanityPrime’. Maybe a bit more upfront.
Alice reminds me of someone I knew as well but I’m sure you don’t want me ranting on about old friends.

As some of you may know if you’ve read my angleshooting thread then I come from exclusively turbo games. Quick reads are optimal there. 15 minute day phase, 5 minute night phase. Very fast pased.
Trying to adopt that skill onto forums I’ve only just come to realise will not work I’m afraid.

If someone decides to host my setups you’d better follow the theme I was going for or I’ll kill you.


So basically I’ll be doing things in my own life (I know) and uhh try not to unintentionally throw. And learn a bit more about the game Yes. I know what you’re thinking. Calm your ham hens.

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People scream “you are playing baaad” way too fast. Often it’s just bias or an excuse to policy lynch someone.
Never believe them.
Playing bad is OKAY. The important thing is, that YOU are having fun.
Playing bad is only a problem if it is done intentionally, and this is definitely not the case with you.


Not really a message about leaving, more like a warning.
Uni is starting for me next week, and a roleplay too. I’m not sure how I will be able to fit FM into my schedule.
If I have to, I will change my meta accordingly - much fewer posts, but hopefully with better content.
If I end up not having enough time for FM, I will end up having to abandon playing. I am still going to be there, but mostly spectating - until I have more time again.

TL;DR Uni starts and I’m not sure how I will find time for FM. I will try, but if I can’t do it, I’ll replace out of everything.


Imagine needing an excuse to policy lynch people who disagree with you :^)

Imagine that something stupid like a policy lynch would be acceptable :stuck_out_tongue:

policy lynches are viable in open vanilla setups and absolutely nowhere else
and in any case you don’t policy lynch the person you like the least, it’s the person who nobody can read who gets policy lynched.

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I agree because otherwise I would be always policy lynched


You can’t really unintentionally throw. :stuck_out_tongue: You will naturally improve over time as well and everyone makes mistakes. God knows I’ve made a laundry list. I can understand wanting to take some time off after having a particularly bad game however. Flashbacks to me mislynching Marl for his first time ever… :confused:

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I’ve been declining in intrest in mafia for a while now, as you can tell, so… don’t expect much from me in these coming months in terms of SICK READS and BIG MOVES (read: misplays). I suppose it was inevitable, what with school ramping up and puberty starting to end, that I’d begin to go off mafia. For a while.

i’ll still be around, it’s harder to get rid of me than that, but uhh… don’t expect much.
also expect me to pull a hippo some time next year
that’s all


After I host my upcoming SFoL and when Alice’s Danganronpa game finishes, I am leaving the forums. I don’t know if I might change my mind from then, I don’t know if it’s going to be permanent or if I’ll be coming back in general.

My emotional state is getting wrecked. I’m starting to get annoyed at people for the littlest of things and it’s getting to the point of just wanting to get angry at people who just blink at me. So, thank you. Thank you all for everything, I am going to try and seek proper help now for my anger issues, but I don’t think many people irl would really care.

Thank you, and goodbye in like December or something.


We love ya Wazza and support any situation that you think is best. Do good out there, you will be missed


post is cancelled

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If you need to speak with me, feel free to DM me on Discord at Maxwell#4054 anytime. My DM’s are fully open to anyone in ToLcord.

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to clarify:
I suck so badly at FM and it sucks so much time that I should be using on other things, that when i lose badly, it makes me feel horrible for numerous reasons
I may never enter another game here again. I’m sorry if I ever let someone down here with my play in any game.

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Even if I had the motivation to keep playing (which I don’t), I’ll never have the time to not fall behind.
I’ve cost my faction several games due to being inactive for half day periods and never being able to get caught up. I don’t think there has ever been any game where I have been fully caught up to the end.

I’ll still be around in the ToL community, but not here, not unless something radical happens to change my mind.
The decrease between the amount of time and effort I put into FM and the enjoyment I get out of it is gargantuan. And when I’m nowhere near getting out what I put in, it’s just not worth it for me.

Use the time to cool down, my friend :heart:

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