For if you are gone for long periods of time

hello hello :wave:


You are familiar and not familiar

eh i been here a while, I know of u, but i dont think we interacted much

Aye agree on that



hi Dama


Welcome back!

1 Like

Iā€™m baack

I got bored of Dangan RPs (even tho I have one thatā€™s supposed to be planned) and now Iā€™m here again.

Itā€™s hard to find a dangan rp that has a certain amount of quality

but itā€™s cool to see you again Dama

Iā€™ll just put up silly roleplay games here until I have a roleplay I want to make


Iā€™m taking a fairly long break.
I thought I could deal with games here but people continue to meme me and thanks to some players deciding to fuck about when I take things seriously itā€™s causing me to go hard against them, causing losses and itā€™s not becoming fun anymore.
The stress and frustration Iā€™m having means this place is meaning less and less to me as is this communityā€™s base.

Iā€™ve had enough of this place and certain players.
I shouldā€™ve known I was wrong to try again but nope, I had foolish optimism.
Fuck that.


I love ya PKR be good, reach out everyonce in a while we will miss ya

Cya man. Stay cool.

I shall slay and vanquish all the memers in this realm to readily welcome you upon your return.

Travel safe my son.




you were supposed to destroy the sith not join them!


Honestly, I really thought I could enjoy my time back here but ultimately,

It doesnā€™t feel the same as it used to.

Which is why I donā€™t really want to continue here, this year was an eventful year for me and next year will probably be even more eventful.

I went back to school this year after I had a large amount of time off and I made plenty of new friends within other communities and I somewhat got to reflect on myself as a person a lot.

Ultimately I think Iā€™ll move on entirely this time.
Iā€™ll try to remember this place as (mostly) pleasant instead of remembering it as a hole of my past mistakes.
Iā€™m probably going to try to replace out of the FM Iā€™m currently in

Iā€™ll still be active on Discord, so please message me there if you ever want to talk.

thank you


maybe Iā€™ll just leave FM, Iā€™ll still need a bit to decide