For if you are gone for long periods of time

send us more screenshots of u 2 derping

Oh Iā€™d love to and all but sheā€™s asleep.

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Now I remember, I was meant to get milk, thanks for reminding me.


Iā€™m gonna be taking a short break from FM in general until ToS mafia starts.

Just expect less activity


I recommend not coming at all because it seems you have an addiction to this place and you will get sucked back in. So for your own health donā€™t come back. Donā€™t even look at the forum website or type it in the link. Do whatever you want you are a human being but thatā€™s my take on it


What Sam says is sadly true.
Forums are addictive.
If you need a break DONā€™T join or host any fms during that time

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If you really wanna break your addiction to this place just say loads of bigoted racist stuff and then get banned forever and then you can never come back.

If you want more life hacks like this, buy my book The Enlightened Forum-User: Path to Happiness at any good book store for the low low price of $59.99.


Uhhh canā€™t recommend thatā€¦

i mean
You canā€™t be on the forums if your baned

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Due to irl circumstances, I need to be able to be more available at home
aka my activity will plummet for the next 3+ weeks


Iā€™m moving to Mafia Colosseum so donā€™t ping me for any games
reason is that on any non-FoL games half the setup slanks
Iā€™ll probably join Eevee/Alice games and host games still


Change da world
My final message


Wait u too? Or just our lovely Merc

no him too

He forcibly blocked the site on his end

for like 4200 hours too





Thatā€™s near my time-to-return-to-FM

Im Def gonna be gone from like mid June-early July at my Christian summer camp and wonā€™t be on FM or any technology for that matter

Which sucks because then I wonā€™t get devotee

Just taking a small break from FM in general to give myself more time, still have at least one more hosting job, and have 1 game planned that will MAYBE happen. Still prob gonna check here in my free time. But prob just gonna be spectating games for a good bit (next month or two, maybe longer). Doesnt give me the same kicks it used too, plus being spked every game n1 or killed first/second lynch as evil is kinda getting old and I aint improving really on the one end. This aint a goodbye :+1:

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