For if you are gone for long periods of time

I’m still chatting just not playing
Just chatting way less

Gonna quit fm for like a week 4 mental health reasons

See ya soon nerds


eat my pussy nerd :^)


If you ever need some nerd to talk to

Dms are open

Take it easy~


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im back nerds

im going through some shit which i’d rather not divulge but i don’t think FM is really at the root of my problems.

still gonna take a break from FM but not this site


The Dead May Never Talk Again


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been losing interest in this site and game for a while now (if it wasn’t obvious already xd)… also don’t feel like i really have a connection here or with anyone remaining here anymore
don’t think i’m going to check this site anymore but i might come back every once in a while if i’m bored

might be back in the summer or check in during a school break (?)


rip maxi

See ya my dude :wave:

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another one bites the dust

Mr. Maxi, I don’t feel so good.

:wave: Back to the shadows for me. It was a nice reprieve, but I can’t quite play FM in healthy moderation it seems. Will miss you all though.


Bye only other dutch person. :wave:

oh no, gonna miss ya

It’s been fun y’all but I’m out!


  • Fuck these forums, seriously, not a good place to be at all. These games hurt a lot and it’s the only place I’m actually toxic on and I am literlaly known as being a toxic piece of shit so yeah, not to mention the fact that these games just don’t appeal to me anymore. In them people just get hurt, manipulated and all that shit, recent example would be Tangeld’'s game. I stayed up for an hour to convince Town in an unwinnable town game on both sides and even missed out on shit for it, I don’t want to miss out on shit anymore so I’m out fo here. These forums ain’t good to be and I think I’m going to force myself away. Goodbye all, no promises what I plan on doing next in life but :man_shrugging:. That’s life. Not to mention there’s people here who remind me of very bad times in my life. So. Yeah. Goodbye all, I will miss you. Also that recent game of Tangeld’s hurt everyone, not even a fun fucking game, good setup for a bad game, that’s life I suppose. Farewell friends.

Got a few more games to play and a few more things to host before I’m gone in June.


Hope I get to still see you around in ToL occasionally, but if not then farewell friendo :heart:


I’m also done playing here.
I’ll still be hosting though.