For if you are gone for long periods of time

Wait why



mutters something about school being stupid blah blah blah

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did you miss this message from him


That was over a couple of months ago

The Ligma finally caught up to him
It reached his head



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Hey guys, just wanted to say that once Poker Mafia has started and is over (or before that) I will be taking a break for a while to sort my life out. I am bullied at school right now and it pushed me far enough to try not to go to school. I went so far I ended up picking up a razor and slicing my forehead open.

I hope you all understand and I love you all, even if youā€™re a dick to me sometimes or Iā€™m a dick to you lmao.

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Just so you know, I am okay now, no bleeding or anything.


Feel better


Iā€™m glad youā€™re okay, take all the time you need and know that we all love and respect you for who you are. :slight_smile:


Iā€™m gonna be going on a hiatus from forum games for a while, maybe forever and I decided it was best to leave the main server we had used too due to this. I thank many of you for bringing joy to my life. There have been ups and downs as expected but I wouldnā€™t really change a thing.

Since weā€™re only a few days away from Valentines, I guess I can reveal one more thing (Since Wolf too doesnā€™t use these forums much anymore). Iā€™ve got a ring and Iā€™m planning to propose to Wolf with it. We have been together for over two years now and I wouldnā€™t change him for the world, to say weā€™ve been through a lot is a complete and utter understatement but itā€™s how it is.

Take care everyone and keep gaming. Be yourself, for that is all you have at the end of the day.


I hope It goes well PKR.

Aswell, i will be taking a break from FM in general after im done DOTA 2 FM

Ill be on discord usually, i just need to focus on life, and im trying to get everything together again.


Wish you the best luck with Wolfy :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope it goes well too.


As much as our FM playstyles clash, I think youā€™re a cool guy and I wish you all the best in your life.

Congratulations on the relationship milestone as well. :heart:


I still havent recieved my invite for the wedding it must have gotten stuck?

See you mate take care.


:pray: wish you luck man, sorry if its late


I guess this is still the designated thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel like Iā€™m spreading myself thin and am not enjoying myself as much as I used to. I am not sure of the cause, but I will be less of a presence on the forum for a few weeks as I gather myself and hopefully be back full force. I also start a new job next week and I donā€™t want the start with the habit of being distracted by online forum games. Especially not as a first impression, before I scout out the work culture. Just wanted to inform everyone, thanks. :slight_smile:


Thatā€™s a great plan. 100% recommend no FM at work when youā€™re brand new!


Donā€™t leave I will have no one to annoy if you do

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