For if you are gone for long periods of time


No, I am not back, I just felt that you all deserved to know what is going to happen.

I am going to find a way to control my anger from now on, I am searching up an Anger Issues Cause as yes, I have that. I have had it for many years.

I am sorry to everyone I have hurt and I sincerely apologise. Of course, these are just words and I’m not the one saying it but by God, I will miss you all. You will see me online sometimes, but that’s just to read around, I won’t be posting anymore.

Anyway, I have thought up a few ways on how I will control this anger:

  • Not express it in an angry way, instead, just state that I am being angered by what they are doing and politely ask them to stop. Even in FM/FoL
  • Count to 10. I have heard this is a great method.
  • Exercise. Probably something I should be doing anyway as I am overweight.
  • Doing what I love as a passion, sure that may be FoL/FM but I refuse to do that. Perhaps just make myself draw, who knows, when I return I could show you all some of my art.

Ok, I admit, this is stupid and hopeless, but hell, I must try this. I shall be taking my leave again. Ciao.


I don’t know if I’m just being extremely naive but

can’t you just try to not curse

If it was that easy then the world would be filled with all nice people



Un-questionably, I am shocked, I am back so soon.

I am going to start working with ways to stop myself from being aggressive and I believe I have to experiment with the idea I’ve gotten right now.

That’s right, I’m bacccckkkkk, hope you didn’t miss me for the 2 days I was gone.

I will say though, I might be on and off so don’t expect me to be as active as I was before, I have learnt some things.

I shouldn’t have left, I knew how to control myself but if I’m honest with you all, I just made reactions more intense for some reason, perhaps out of anger in my personal life.

Anyway, I am returning to see if I can be better in FoL games again. I shall not host the next game but instead play a game and hopefully have fun again.


lets go

We’ll have fun, no worries.

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After the GI I will probably be quitting here for 3 months or so to focus on studying


reee :frowning:

Good luck my dear

Studying is important, but this is a good pastime. :wink:

You’ll be missed.

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We believe in you.

Yet a little unsettling, I must announce that I will also be gone for god knows how much time. I have absolutely no problem with the people at this community, but the forums itself is a place that I would rather not be in for all that dramatic reasons months ago. I barely interact and never play FMs, being honest Merc is the only reason why I check here out as a big part of the community that I like is already at Discord.

So, as someone with no business here whatsoever, now that Merc will be gone I think there is nothing holding me back. Again, I have no problem with this community at all, but the place is not for me.

See ya around, guys!


No one knows me tho

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While I don’t know you, you gave me encouragement and made me smile with your post in the Venting Thread I believe it was.

That made you pretty memorable to me, even if I don’t know ya, I’ll miss ya.


Reap collision

That’s very wise, deer.


That’s what I thought when making Whisdeer ngl

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also on winter and this duelyst card

Hey just giving y’all a heads up: over the course of this weekend my posting will be even more scarce than it has been (with me just recently returning and all)
I am not leaving a third time, it’s just that something has come up, family wise so I won’t be at home on my computer all weekend