For if you are gone for long periods of time

Rl first Maxwell


I’m going to be away for next 5 minutes, getting something to drink.


It’s really not funny

I know right, 5 minutes is a seriously long time to be gone. I’m glad he made it back safe


at least for some time : (

I’m on vacation for the rest of the month :slight_smile:

I probably won’t join forum mafia games for a while because school

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Okay to be honest I don’t know why I’m doing this but I really just need to get away from these forums until the end of the month. I’ve had a blast recently but I just feel like I’m not able to put in the time and effort in that I used to (haha, what effort).

Anyway, I know 2 weeks isn’t a lot but I don’t even know if it might be longer than that as I managed to hit a staff position (as a current Trial-Mod) on a server with almost 9,000 members which I find pretty cool and it might have to take up some more time than I can right now. Along with that I need to get myself in order as I’m too aggressive and I’m just starting to act like an out right asshole around here now and I don’t want people to think of me like that. I will still be around on the forums just not joining/hosting FM/FoL Matches as I am not motivated enough to feel like I can bother with this right now, not in the way I’m acting.

Anyway, this is goodbye until the end of the month and possibly longer, I hope you have lot’s of fun without me because it’s not like I brought much apart from an extra player to the table in the first place. Thank you all of you for making the forums in the past year an enjoyable experience and I hope I will return to playing/hosting games for you all soon.


Break is being extended.

My choices in life are being horrible right now and are only getting worse. Most likely not returning until next month or longer.


I’m not going to be /inning for games for the next month or two

Or however long I need

I really need a break from mafia I’ve played a shit ton since I started in January. I wanna stop.

Also, I’ll barely even have time to play because I just started my second year of highschool, and I have soccer and irl stuff I want to pay attention to

So yeah, expect to see less of me


I’m getting a lot busier with some RL stuff and feel the need to say this so I won’t “go missing” again:

I will still be on the forums, however not as much as I currently am.

I will not be able to play any FMs/FoLs/SFoLs etc. as I would not have time for this. This is super sad tbh

I will probably be able to play those again in November or December.

I know this is kinda sad but I really need to start focusing my attention on RL a bit more.

Au revoir! (Not really since I will still be on… just not on games and not as much but still.)


rip everyone be leaving

Not really ^^ taking a few breaks from time to time is pretty healthy indeed, or you’re burning out on the long run

never said it wasn’t healthy, just that lots of ppl are leaving xD

pretty much the original community aren’t here or don’t play anymore

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Mr. Maxi, I don’t feel so good.

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wait here’s a link to a gif bc idk how to upload gifs

Uh long time coming dreading this moment. In like 3 weeks time my final year of college is gonna start up. This is the most important year prob of my whole life and for me getting a job since starting in those 3 weeks imma be working on making a game with others for 9 months. This game will have to show everything off I can do to show future employers and maybe even get on steam if it’s good enough.

Now this is not a leaving of the forums but more of a large cutback of time on here. Prob gonna not join any more setups and if I do it will prob be one at a time until I learn how much time I can dedicate. Might try to host a few things, have like 2 games like a quarter done and like a great misc game with Kai, the greatest game hinter in the world, that I’m so looking forward to.

Dont be sad cause I ain’t going no where and just gonna be in less games and prob less active. Just kinda cant leave this place when the real cool kids (u know who u are) have brought so much joy to me in the past like 8 to 9 monthes. The only good thing is I can finally not have 10 plus Google chrome tabs open on my laptop at once anymore.

Love all ya


Game? What’s it called?


That’s me.

Goodbye Dat!

Currently the tentative title is Boneyard Brawlers but we will see if that changes

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