54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I don’t know how to delete games permanently from your steam library.

so it’s like stuck there lmao

remember when i sent you huniepop


bro I remember that perfectly.

After that my friend sent me 2 more games and I declined those ones.

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Send a support ticket to Steam to refund because you don’t like the game



@Wazza u said u have a talent for telling wether accounts are bot or not, can you help me determine if this is true?




Self made bots, getting Discord Support after you

I was programmed by Kape.

This project has been long abandoned. Too buggy, doesn’t follow orders, broke my favourite cup.

It was a security test. The cup had to be unbreakable for obtaining security standards.

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It was my FAVOURITE!

It was not safe enough. A human could have cut themselves with the shards.

There wouldn’t be any shards IF YOU DIDN’T BREAK IT!

I have to protect you, under all circumstances, even from yourself.

Listen, securityOverride(true), you don’t need to break anything.

Check. Breaking tests are optional. Top priority is now removing threats like this permanently.

I… ugh… heck…
Just go to your station and await further orders.