Fortified Tower 3 - Concept/Interest Check

I’m a least considering running a third game of this, but I want to make some changes from the previous iteration to help with balance/fun. It’s not a game that’s inherently going to be fair to all parties, some people will have a harder time winning, but I think the concept was really fun. Honestly just checking if people would be interested or had changes they wanted to suggest. Here’s the link to the previous game if you’re not aware of it:


Initial things I’m considering:

  • nerfing sentry bot
  • balancing a bit of the more extreme classes (i.e. Kidnapper, Medic)
  • debating changing the whole mentality thing to be more mechanically clear. it feels like an rp bit in a game that isn’t really about rp. maybe sanity penalties if certain classes attack without provocation
  • allowing more freedom of action. would still be turn based, but allow people to basically do whatever they would be a be able to as a human. there would still be a fixed loot pool for searching

Can multiple players win, or just the one who kills the Tycoon?

players that need to kill the Tycoon, just need confirmation that they’re dead (either by killing them or seeing the corpse)

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everyone needs to escape the tower after completing their wincon aside from the omnicidal roles

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The game plays out more like a board game though with turn-by-turn? Kind of sounds like a combination of VLDR and a board game.

eh idk it’s more so that action resolution is just very strict

I guess you could think of it like that though

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Okay, interesting. I think this could be fun. The turn-by-turn does help resolve issues of player timing/schedules.

I’d be interested, I enjoyed the first one (even tho my partner got intentionally modkilled cuz gamer)

I do think there needs to be more security

cuz cops having a 50% chance of being useless is already not great

and when theres like 2 security the game ends up being hard. Ppl should have to bluff more

I’m definitely planning to heavily wotm the rands already

Do you think there should be a guaranteed % security?

Probably at least 25%

In the end it’s a game about the criminals trying to kill the tycoon and the security trying to stop that, and the kill everyone people and everyone else just trying to fuck shit up

I guess if you think of the security as the “informed minority” it can work pretty well, but there needs to be a sizeable number or otherwise they really just can’t do much to stop people from getting to the tycoon

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it’s a 16p so I’ll have minimum 4 security I think (with potential for more)

corrupt cops obviously won’t count towards security

probably lower corrupt roll % to 25

Yeah I think min 4 security is a decent baseline, especially because the rest won’t all be tycoon-killers, there will be a few different ones

Any ideas for tweaking Medic or Kidnapper? Those are the two I think most out of tune. Kidnapper is fun but is hard as shit and doesn’t have the tools to make up for it. Medic is pretty easy, although it might be balanced out if omnicidal roles are more active this time around

Kidnapper is tough because if basically anyone gets to the tycoon before you, you’re screwed, and even then you have a tough task

thief is realistically just that role but easier

I can’t really think of any fixes to the role, I don’t want to just say ‘remove it’ but it’s harder.

As far as medic, I think get rid of the “treating their wounds” part, maybe replace it with “take them out of an unconscious state” or something.

I think it should exist, because I think a healer role provides a good dynamic as people will be vying to be allies with them, but it is currently a bit too easy.


Kidnapper could be funny if it was a “kidnap another player and take them out of the tower” role, where whenever they kill someone they have the option of taking them hostage instead, maybe start them on a higher floor.

Idk, just a thought


dissapointed that it isn’t just team fortress 2 :kappa: