Fortified Tower 3 - Round Canned (?/14)

oh i forgot to reply the first time

ill pass on it because im too lazy to read the OP and don’t want to sign myself up for any obligations even if they’re low effort cause i’ll probably put a lot of effort into it anyway knowing me


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Sorry boss
Not in the cards to play rn

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ok thanks just wanted to make sure you got a final say before I closed stuff

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How long will this game take ?
Is there a previous gamethread I can read?

should take I would guess about 20 days, where you take 1 action every 24h if I had to guess

most of the game is played in PMs but here is link to last main thread

I think most people have check in I might just start randing soon while I have a good amount of time

if we run w/ 13 minimum security will be 3, I’ll be sure to announce that in game thread

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any interest?

uh maybe
give me a few mins to read through

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okay np

uh yeah sure

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ok randing game now

well had done tower already was doing roles

The rand is now complete and rolecards will be going out. After they are all out I will make the game thread. Please do not speak


I will be using this as the game thread. Starting rooms going out now and then game will commence. Once I say so you may banter in here, but no outright saying game related info


All starting info is now out you may now talk

For clarification you can only get one item per person per room from searching and have an inventory cap of 5 items (not including role related items)





I will give vague hints to game happenings in here using music videos in honor of mole