Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

I resolve back to a vow of silence for I have heralded enough for today.

Thanks! <3

I am now back, but withoit any new information. I shall now proceed to give my thoughts on other matters.

You’re pushing people and claiming early with no proof.

Getting people to claim d1 isn’t a good strategy.

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Its only a good strategy for me whom will always die

Current Vote Count:

Lymphoma : 3
Celeste : 2

The majority is 9 votes

Am I missing any votes?

(Remember I only take votes with ping mention of my name)

I wasn’t serious about my vote anyway.

Oh so now people can meme/troll vote without actually voting :^)

@Frostwolf103 /vote Lymphoma since u say u dont count ones with no mention

@Frostwolf103 /vote Lymph

As usual, flip flopping. Not only that and seems to be fishing for the mayor, it’s impossible to read him. I feel like he is a VI that would flip scum when lynched like in purgatory.

No, I meant to, but now it seems like Celeste is playing horribly, which can only mean they’re legit. /vote Lymph I noticed him flip-flopping earlier (I didn’t want to mention it because I didn’t know what it’s called), but now that I know it’s sus, I’m compelled to vote. But my reads suck so I’m probably wrong. The only time I saw them as evil was when Marl shot them out of the gate during the game that shall not be named. @Frostwolf103

Is this when enough votes someone flips or we have a trial?

They go to jail.

VI = Village Idiot aka bad town.
Scum = Not town.

Pick one.

Scum Idiot.

I can pick both, you can’t make me do otherwise.

Need i remind you or purgatory.

Was an idiot and was scum. Thinking that’s the same again. You trying to defend him?

Focus on one person, Wolfy. If PKR’s scum, we can get him later.

Agreed, but i prefer going for lymph first since he’s impossible to read.

That#s fair enough right?