Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

How does one lynch a dead man


CaptainNerbins - Killed at Night 2 UNATCO Specialist

yeah no.



We have the last NSF then.

Do I still kill NightX?


What if the bastard mechanic has some kind of scorned frame or something?

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Noooo don’t kill me :sob:

Then I kill NightX


Frost either messed up.
Or the neutral is against us then.
I can only say what I found

Neutral is dead lol

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The noot is dead

Then, as per the angleshoot before
You KNOW I have to be UNATCO anyway

So to be clear I am killing NightX?

PKR is trying to escape I think.

He’s NSF

PKR thegallows are waiting

@Okx shoot either NightX or Noz
I don’t like how hard they’re pushing on pkr here

Go to the beginning of day 2.
Read Celeste first few posts.
Do not vote until then

they dont even seem to be considering the possibility of frame
