Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

I mean, Okx is the reason he died.

Ironically, Okx shot the towns only chance of winning :<

This game was broken but gg

I tried to get Marl executed so I say i win

celeste mvp?

Whatever /shrug

I mean I didn’t even know what my objective is.


Fair enough.

Neither did we? It was false wincon

Image result for you've doomed us all

I knew Marl was evil as soon as he suggested I was evil…I wasn’t. I was giving hints in pig Latin like, “one true evil” or “You don’t know the mechanic yet?” but I don’t think any of you know Latin so that failed. I thought Pug was NSF or Illu, but I was riding on NSF, and Maximus did a good job. :clap:

I’m taking a Latin class

The reason I suggested you were evil is because you were dead :^) wouldn’t have tried it otherwise

I know that. Professor didn’t ****ing heal me when we went over it a million times. And I was certain I was actually evil because everyone I visited died.

Blame Noz/Simon for that one lol

the prophet



Frost, I think PKR wants to murder you. Sorry feelsbadman

I did

I still had this on Watching… thanks for telling me

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