Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

Ah I see the message now.

/vote Sam


My top town are Hippo / Okx / PKR right now (of the people alive.)
So if you’re unnamed i’ll be pushing on you tomorrow probably

I’m awake, and I will now claim specialist. I investigated Lymph. Didn’t think mafia would kill them.

Seems like a pointless claim
but sure

So Nerbins why would ya need to claim :thinking:

If you could vote sam up, we have majority

Hammer it already

Because one of my two invests is gone. I am a better target for NSF.

/vote Sam

@Frostwolf103 Sam should be on trial
we shouldn’t hammer execute him too fast though

okay well so now sam is on trial we probaly need to ping him

Lets give him time to defend himself and time for everyone to check in before we hammer him

@Frostwolf103 Come on Frost we want no twilight posting! Lets hammerr himmmmm (we still have 9 hour trial)

WElp ima go play some ToL see ya when its over

I’ll say that I am Professor.

I just chose to do nothing last night because of limited uses

/vote Sam

If you are vigilante and are suiciding tonight don’t claim, mafia might waste a night on you. Leave it in your will though.

I am a specialist.

Let’s vote hippo first


/vote Hippo