Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

I thought logs dont go here

Yeah that wont work Hippo

Are you saying you have me as scum, Sam.

I read you as scum.

  • Claims invest
  • Doesn’t invest the person he reads as scum

No one wants your opinion Sam >:(

/vote Sam

Sam alrdy on Trial :woman_facepalming:

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@Frostwolf103 Can we kill Sam now? Hes talked. Just putting it here,
/vote execute

As long as Hippo dies with me I am fine

Dunt worri u soon ded

/Vote Execute

Don’t vote up your own mafia.

/vote execute


So yeah he just admitted that he is mafia

/execute Sam
Thee can be up to four specialists. Also you confessed.

He’s bluffing. He wouldn’t sell out his buddy.

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Professor heal Marl.

Why do you want to take Hippo down with you?