Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

Because Sam’s NSF. He wants to take down town people.

…Meaning mthemind is really his mafia buddy voting him up?
I doubt it
Someone check Hippo tonight


And as town, why would you imply that you and a random other person are mafia


Shh same thing

I think Sam is trying to reverse psychology us here. He’s voting up his scum buddy to try to make his scum buddy look like town. If I’m correct, Hippo is also mafia.

But hippo was one of my town reads so
I wont feel comfortable lynching him unless we check him first

@Nerbins Check Hippo tonight mboy

You got it boss

I think both me and Marl are dead tonight. Rogue Agent, I pose no threat to you, so please don’t go for me.

There’s still a doctor
and the doctor will be healing you tonight

Dont worri I wont hurt u

you aren’t the rogue agent, now go take out my trash

I only want Marl dead :woman_shrugging:

No wishing death on others <3

Not you? Okay. I can finish the NSF if Hippo is bad.

Woahhh u tryin to say im a Janitor!?


Yeah I want to know 100% if hippo is good or evil tommorow
I dont need to be alive

Now we request Rogue Agent to eliminate Celeste <3

Yeah, eliminate Celeste insanity.

Because let’s be real, who else would leave that death note?