Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

Upick is ongoing Bad Dog

But with Celeste… you lynched the town goddess.

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Didnt he cause the other lynch too

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Good idea that I signed up for mountains, after this game is done.

Too bad u were the 14th person to sign up in a game of 13 :thinking:

What do you mean just took the 12 th slot before you just did not bold It. Never mind derp, I hate Marl’s mountains anyways. They are not even mountainous how can there be a second?

Tech was 11th, Nerbins was 12th, Hippo was 13th lol

To be fair
Celeste fucking lied about her abilities in a way that couldn’t possibly be beneficial for town
I think her lynch was justified.

Are you being sarcastic?

That’s fine, I see indeed Polik defended himself before deadline.

so that leaves up to 10 hours remaining to end the day now

Trial vote count:

Execute: 5 - Sam17z, Celeste_Ludenberg, Nightx, Marluxion
Pardon: 0 -

You mean Sam could be the Godfather, so ig he was checked, he would be green check

Why is there never any action when I’m on but like 300 messages when I leave for 5 hours. Anyway, after speed reading this, this is what I have:

Sam, you are trying too hard to defend this here. Polik claimed janitor. Why are you defending them so hard unless you are scum as well? Also if we mislycnh, it’s just a janitor(or so polik claims). I’m executing this, we should probably Lynch Sam tomorrow as well. This is super suspicious (obviously).

/vote execute @Frostwolf103

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Hoping I don’t get shot.
I’m trusting all y’all Troops

@PokemonKidRyan @Wolfy fellow town bloc
help me execute this

Since my vote counts as two, just you two should be enough to execute him.

No problem here…

/execute @Frostwolf103

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/Execute @Frostwolf103
(Oops, I thought I voted previous post. Turns out I didn’t)

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@Frostwolf103 Since my vote counts for two, that should be hammer.

Indeed, indeed.

One moment please…

PolikShadowbliss have been sentenced to jail for interrogation.

Well everyone, it’s almost evening so we must cease discussion time and we hear what the accused have to say in our holding cell, he cannot stay silent for long. Until tomorrow.

Night 1 has begun, do NOT post until 24 hours are over.