Forum Mafia - Mountainous 2 (Mafia wins!)

/join unless full :thinking:


We can start now HYPE

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I feel like this was targetted towards me in particular…

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And odd numbers are bad for your health Marl! 10/10 should make it even by adding a saucy neutral who wants to die :wink:

When you forget to tell Sam Hippo joined twice but hes being darude about it

Cough Im such a bad human Cough


Summon him! :3

Game is full. Will be rolling roles soon.

Inb4 someone scumslips
“I DiDnT rEcIeVe A cArD”

11/2 is probably as balanced as mountainous can get
Everything else just favors scum far too much

Everyone will recieve a rolecard, even vanilla town.

I dIdNt ReCeIvE CaRd I dEmAnD cArD


Here are the two rolecards so people can’t angleshoot (Also so i can easily copy+paste them when sending them out.)


You have no abilities, but are a wonderful person!
You win if both of the mafia are lynched!

Mafia Goon

You’re delightfully evil!
You win if the number of town is less than or equal to the number of remaining mafia!

Don’t confirm until I’ve given you the ok

Pokes hand up
Me want! Do we get cookies?

All role cards have been sent! /Confirm in the thread below.


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No Parfy

You must boldddd


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