Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

Current Votes


Fade, Is that revenge my vote didn’t count when I round up the votes before you? :smirk:

I think Noz simply attempted to play me.
Claiming I’m BD would make me happier to let him say that.
By myself calling him out, I’m putting my confirmation on the line. It was a VERY clever strategy.
But simply if he’s done that, it was a bit feeble…

Did I vote?

sorry ment frostwolf


That wasn’t a Prince soft.
Or at least, I’m pretty sure he isn’t Prince.
I have an inkling for who it is.

/vote Noz
I slept peacefully.

I was being silly

Can we not put noz in trial just yet plz

Why not?
He’s like 90% scum

I want see what he says, don’t go using day abilities, you.




No what?

NO this

Why no this?

because rules exist

You’re just wasting our time.
We don’t have much to discuss

What rules are you on about now?
Not the 24h one. That’s p-much gone :stuck_out_tongue:

We have plenty to discuss. Like is Wolfy unseen? Who might the unseen be?

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