Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

So how long are you going to trashtalk like irrational person.

Least I haven’t stooped to insults

For one I know I won’t kill PKR because Methnor will usurp and eventually win through his royal bloodline.

PKR keep claiming he’s Cowardly King but his actions proves much he’s siding with Cult as Devout King and with that, Orange will get backstabbed either by voting or by Alchemist at night since the bleed can’t harm him.

And you have to be stupid, I mean, stupid to attack the alchemist and lose your only vote support.

The cult is pretty much dead tonight and PKR allow me to kill him.

Should PKR being Cowardly King then he’s going to make Alchemist the new heir AFTER I voted him first and get executed while Orange may have send wolf to me - I am dead either way at end of next night.

So no, that’s no entertainment.

No, that was Sketch

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@Pug heal Meth tonight.
You’ll be protected.
Trust me, I know where I’m coming from here.
You don’t need to protect me.
Frost will think that you’ll heal me, so he’ll attack me and then he’ll have what he wants.
But you’ll be able to prove to him that neutrals don’t need NKs to win with <3

@Pug should heal me tbh

More fun, and it’s not like Wolfing him would get me anywhere lol

Or you can start killing one of these fools of your precious healing.

And since PKR is planning to send you guard, @Pug then you will be fine.

Because it’s at that point I know you are not BD.

Pug, don’t listen to Frost.
Don’t kill, please.

My night action will make things very interesting. Also can we fucking end the day for christ’s sake, nolynch has been hammered

Pug if you heal me and ensure I live to tomorrow I will open up a pug sanctuary (the animal not you, though if you want a room there you’ll always have one ready for you) adjacent to the castle grounds. We’ll also make it a tourist attraction and I’ll cut you on on the profits.

(Reporting post = Abusing mod powers) :smiley:

This is not in my mod capacity it’s in my Princess capacity


Honestly, so long they defend each other I don’t see the issue who need healing, king need his entertainment (no homo)

It’s going to be 50/50

Sorry for the delay, the day will now be ending.


The sun rises, and several bodies are found!

orangeandblack5 was found dead. They were The Hunter.

They left no journal.

A death note was found by their corpse:

Nozbugz was found dead. They were The Cult Leader.

They left a journal:

Well if you are reading this, it means it is the end of the line for me. I’ve been found out, Polik told me Frost is demon. I could go on to get saltly, but good job. I need to work on scum game. Fuck you polik for converting me you son of a bitch (jk, still love you all rooHappy)

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