Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

sorry… but NK is just going to win and not BD.

if Huntard has 2 wolves in FoL. Please don’t waste your wolf on the alchemist.

You know what I’m saying, anyway… I’m off to sleep now. bye


I count on your guard. I’ll be healing you while you guard me thank you very much

So far, Orange have one left just for me. How nice.

Well the king decided I am not allowed to win, because voting Orange is suicide unless NozBugz brainwashed Orange as last Invoker, which is probably you don’t do anything.

@Pug you are protected.
We will both win anyway.
I want this fun so I’m having it.
I won’t let Frost stop me from having it, sorry Frosty.

Dude, you shouldn’t have stop mine!

How dare you.

Now you’re talking about protecting each other after the vote is settled.

Like what the fuck.

I wouldn’t stopped you, if you didn’t claim you going to protect Orange and Methnor not being executed.

Like come on, how can you not figure out I win that way too when both are dead?

@Pug Heal meth the gangster so we can have that 1v1 :smiley:

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Also Pug, I don’t think Frost deserves a win. Like don’t give him the win because he’s an NK. He made many terrible plays as well (Like trying to frame me and faking Yolobomb)

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You know Alchemist can’t heal you.

And no I did nothing wrong and I eventually manipulated both sides to destroy each other.

Can’t you tell from my avatar?

I am so terrible that I fool people in believing they won.

You withhold the information I am discovered by cult at the very beginning yet did nothing to get me executed until Day 6, way too late.

I smell an ego, “nothing wrong” bich, you made alot of bad plays (and cult would have won by now if PKR WOULD HAVE FINGERED)

That’s your ego as well.

Bad plays, yet you never point out in order to stop me.

Frost, do you realize something? You’ve pretty much lost. BD is against you right now, Cult is against you right now, not sure about the nootrals though

I am Neutral and they agree in winning themselves.

Just don’t expect you can sit back and watch how I destroy not only BD classes only to ignore your excuse of cult, that’s why I let the hunter do that for me, one BD and cult member like you isn’t bad deal.