Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

Yeah, know what?

MVP Award


defo good game 4 dat nerd


Since he claimed Knight and Pug killing Moleland unintentionally isn’t pretty much cover as scum anymore.

Okay look

pardoning on a null read is stupid

Trials are a thing here, and because they don’t pause the day timer a pardon is usually a NoLynch

This makes Fool even more broken here, because pardoning is inherently a bad idea a lot of the time

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Not essentially, it straight-up does.

Fool with no punishment at all would still be a bad role, and this game pretty much perfectly encapsulates why.

Another major issue

Frost, you were so shit you literally stopped the cult being wiped out by noz and I night 2.

Yet the cult never appreciate how I wrapped them around my finger.

maybe in SFoL, they going to sheep me for meta.

Erm… nobody cared

Yeah I can’t see why, I am proud to my achievements.

I single-handedly BD on my own, unlike NozBugz that used Alchemist as tool.

Even three BD’s sheeped from my command, after all I tried Orange to kill at least one cultist and he did.

Can moderator actually lock this topic? Even I have limits.

We are discussing the game don’t just lock it in the middle of the post-match saltfest da fuck.

Frost, you were terrible. You were obviously scum, we just couldn’t kill you

Yet zero, zero, zero evidence?

Is that what everyone try to say?

You were called out at a very early stage for being Demon and would certainly have been lynched if not for a lucky fool lynch. You didn’t play awfully but stop acting like you played fantastically. You played average AT BEST.


Do we need much evidnece?

You’re play was exactly the same in Eevee’s game…


Well clearly, no.

Just I have been called out doesn’t mean I give up.

And for the record, aside from lucky prince kill I made at first night I do deduce the classes out of people I killed (Except for Polik, you made me waste my first werewolf)

True, but you weren’t a puppet master. Bd was just fucked by the class list being scum favoured

Four Neutrals is the maximum allowed, RNG is part of this (And yes I don’t dismiss the idea that ANY wasn’t BD that game)

We would have lost majority night one if cult had converted. How is that fair?