Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

Also if your Paladin don’t bother ccing Luxx yet


Nyeh, slept peacefully

slept peacefully.

Well… That happened. Hopefully there’s a Priest

Does priest exist in FoL?

I… think so?

They tend to try and update the classes to match accordingly to the game, so probably not

Well, Observer still has birds so…

Just checked. They still have priest. It means that the team still has not implemented the updates yet or they will some point in the future

As far as I know, Priest still exists so we will mostly get our Prince back.


We have a Sheriff. So this could be an Unseen game.

Could be.

The last time we had a Sheriff claim, it was Rope, and he was the Fool.

We never know. It could also be, unseen, and this turns out that it is Cult game

This is what the sentence should have said

I am inclined to believe that Luxx is either telling the truth or is the Fool.

Because claiming Sherrif when we don’t even know if the game is Cult or Unseen is a pretty risky move.

Why would pally claim Sheriff in jail?

Could be scorned as well

She could be any scum potentially as well. We never know if this is an Unseen game as there was a single kill, which suggests this could potentially be a nk kill

That too.
I don’t think she thought that the Prince would be the first to die.

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Question: Can Pally execute Neutrals?

Assuming this is a Cult game of course.

Paladin doesn’t work like that.

The kill the Cult leader with Smite if the leader converts the person they are with, but Neutrals would not be affected.