Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

to be fair, picking up on that joke proves you aren’t an idiot or illegible

sometimes :stuck_out_tongue:

I wish it was D3, I really want to use an ability

I actually wouldn’t put it past him

I see where scum can stand to gain but I don’t see scum!Mole taking the risk tbqh

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People normally say to get rid of you.
No offence but this is all because of:

  1. Your plays
  2. General always scummy self
  3. No activity
  4. Controversial and reads just out of it
  5. The fact you’ve even joined another game

So vote Noz before he inevitably kills himself? :stuck_out_tongue:

Lmao, I would actually like to be lynched.

/vote NozBugz


No, my statement about the start was getting rid of inactivity as my take on a PL.
I want Noz to have a slight chance.
As he’s a nice person.
I think he might actually try for once

Fool confirmed


Well with what class I have I literally will be killed no matter what as it’s an easy scum claim

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Try for once? Did you even see the end of FoL9 -_-

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Noz needs some viagra rn

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oh yeah that one

Are you saying I wouldn’t claim Investigative day 2? Really?

If you have to link to Rope, then there’s really a problem going on.
No offence there but that’s not really something which is gonna make you seem good at all.

he claimed two posts later lmao

You didn’t even read my reaction to that post did you?

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Also, now we’re differentiating between player skill?

I know you claimed after.
However, that’s a bit, how should I put it, a bad play anyway Mole?
Claiming invest day 2 =/= Something you’d usually do.
Doing it once or twice before =/= Usually do