Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

You think it’s bad to CC a neutral claiming the hard counter spot?

actually, depending on the number of BDI games he has…

Look, Rope was inactive and his reads were inaccurate.
His logic was often flawed and him claiming day 2 proves that

He was a fool

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Whoch you probably wouldn’t have even needed to CC tbh

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Yes! It’s bad to claim day 2 full stop!
You could’ve said anything later game and it would’ve been better!
Also peeking N1 no matter how much of a joke it was for is rediculous and I expect better plays by you. You’re normally good

Eh, I was Paladin and thought BD benefitted having the scum removed. I didn’t want to waste time trying to kill him/check him later

Still don’t think I might be reaction testing? Sad :frowning:

You might, very much might.
But how you’ve been acting yourself, I don’t think you are.
I know how you speak.
As I said earlier, you sound off…

And you’ve never completely misread me and looked stupid later, right?

No neutral classes in FoL have poison immunity, so yes.

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So I just come back to here…

So Moleland is one of the suspect, right?

Btw, sleep peacefully.

Why don’t you read up and draw your own conclusions

Idc neutral?

Don’t be lazy

alright I’m here, I guess I’ll tell you all that I’m an alchemist so can you please not kill me.

I just felt like publically revealling before suspicions lead onto me, I didn’t want to become a cowardly king anyway…

But anyway, I’m an idiot for revealling this early. Just wanting to put this out there before people think I’m NK.

Slept peacefully guys.

Slept peacefully.
No relevant info to the situation at hand.
Also on mobile so can’t contribute too much atm, apologies for the low activity so far but I will hopefully pick it up soon, I’ve been sick and recovering.
Longer post hopefully later but atm I don’t trust the Observer claim too much personally.

Back from the nap and apparently two neutrals are outed, that alch reveal is risky at fault.

I misread you and looked stupid when you said a very anti-BD thing.
You literally cannot blame me for “misreading” you when you say something so scummy.