Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

You are not wrong for having possibility that Moleland lied, how is this possible for window peek to work on Prince’s prisoner?

@Moleland Your result did come through jail? Ok…

I thought that they would be able to Window Peek even if their target was jailed. I think you’re thinking of Fololw?

I am talking about window peek, I mean what great deduction that you don’t see blue dragon emblem anywhere inside Luxx’s room, Moleland.

No I didn’t. I was 100% correct

It sounded suspicious, not only to me but others as well.
People do make mistakes, but, c’est la vie.


Such is life.

But you were wrong

Who hasn’t speaken once yet aside from Luxx. In all fairness, we can let her slide slightly considering she may be a bit busy with Boslof visiting her and all and Meth as he’s probably sicker than I am. However, who else hasn’t spoken much yet?

Pug was here for a bit (but could speak more or attempt to currently join discusions
Orange came late and was mainly responding to Mole’s comments and it’s hard to see what he was agreeing with and not, so probably need more input from him
Brax, same as Pug, here for a bit then gone, so need more discussion with them
Strangle spoke once but not much context?

So I guess we need to pay attention to these people as well as the actives, as there can be scum in the meming group, one in the inactive group, and potentially one in the active.

So then people who haven’t spoke a lot yet, please join the conversation :smiley_cat:

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if this is town… just wow lol

I will @Luxx for you :slight_smile:

but really straight-up impressed by the wolfy slot rn

I did say Orange, that this will actually be the first time likely I’ll be making long posts and looking carefully at other players.

Just with your responses however, I kinda wished you had them quoted and then you wrote the answers underneath, because clicking back and forwards to the replies you gave Mole, meh…

It was quite hard to catch up and then remember your answer to Mole’s points.

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quoting is hard on mobile, sorry

Ah, yeah. They really need to update the feature on that I think. It’s almost similar to the tos forum, and it’s really hard to quote that way

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Okay so the most active people so far have been me, Wolfy, Orange and Mole.
Frost and Noz are being fairly active too.

Kyo is being weirdly quiet.
For someone who normally has a lot to say, he’s being quite inactive.
Other weirdly suspicious people are Insanity, Ashe, Simon and Strangle.
They’re being too inactive. I don’t really think that I’ve seen more than 1 post since day start.

Luxx can be pardoned for now since they’re with Boslof.
Meth too since they’re ill.
Wolf has been ill and is going to be busy away from this for a fair portion of today. However, they’ve been extremely active still, promoting discussion and are my top tier town read.

I would like to ask everyone these questions:

  1. Who should be pardoned from the vote today and why?
  2. Who’s your top 3 ordered townreads and why? (Can do more if you have more)
  3. Who’re your top 3 ordered scumreads and why? (Can do more if you have more)
  4. Vote inactive or not inactive as PLs and why?
  5. If not vote inactives, what alternative do you suggest?

When ashe is the host. You baka

Someone else made that mistake too! Not my fault :expressionless:
I’m just looking at post count.
Suspicious host needs to post more :3

  1. I should not be voted because I am a awesome knight.
  • Mole, seems to have no reason to lie. If it is a lie it is a reaction test
  • Orange, has his normal town twat behavior

PKR- Highly doubts Mole could be reaction testing.
Pug/Luxx -Could be NK.

Just vote up people who are sus FFS

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Omfg I s2g this had better be a reaction test Noz.
You’d better not be a flipping knight.
I said no more claiming today.