Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

I have to point this out.
There’s only 33% that I’m evil.
If I was a neutral, I would side with BD in order to aid my survival.
As siding with the majority is statistically better is it not, than getting myself killed.

100% is higher than 33% :sunglasses:

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And there’s only a 33% chance that you’re actually BD

BUT, based on your actions, I think we can pare that down a bit

Based on my actions, you guys should know which part I am out of good, neutral or evil.
I tried to stay fairly neutral on Luxx vs Mole so I didn’t guard either of them.
I tried to stay neutral on Wolfy so I didn’t protect him and be like pushing him as the ultimate.
I’ve not done anything against BD yet as much and so I would like to continue to work with BD.

I would say he is 70% Evil, 50% Neutral, -20% BD.


I’d like to ask for like actual maths Hip here.
So no percentages should add up to over 100%
And none should be less than 0%. Thanks.


50 plus 70 minus 20 is 100 it is legit dude


I said yet because I might make a mistake later and it’s a fact.
I can’t say I’ve been too Pro-BD.
However, I have tried to promote discussion and get people to throw ideas around.
Which is good, is it not, Hip?

I’m sorry I’m not BD, but, I’m just wanting to work with BD for now and improve my words.
I’m not the best at expressing myself sometimes.
I type really quickly and don’t really proof-read.
Literally none of this is proof read, so I won’t be hiding anything I’m saying at least ^.^

I’m Mad King.
I occupied Luxx N1 and N2 because I sorta wanted to meme.
But I also wanted to be fairly confirmed to people, without screwing BD.
I trusted Mole more than Luxx, but wanted to trick Luxx into thinking I trusted her more.
Reason I did that was so I wasn’t killed at that time.
I will help BD, I just need to survive to win, so I’d do what’s logically best for me.
If I help the majority, I’ll technically survive longer so I’ll be more likely to allow this to be beneficial for me
Than go against BD and screw myself over to the level of almost gamethrowing.

Lol, claiming Non-BD king in the face of being non-BD

Also, Typically, King vote is immediate after King lynch

@ashe, is that how you are doing it too?


Orange only needs to trap - doesn’t need a blessing

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I’m like 99% sure Mad King can’t spawn as starting King. Only Good/Evil/Devout/Cowardly. So, we’re lynching PKR ASAP.

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He could be NK King, right?

I don’t think so.

did pkr legit just scumclaim

Also, to clear this up, let me read to you from the manual:


To shut down PKR’s “it says it can change” argument, classes with crossed swords can spawn at the start. One of these is not like the others.

Some King Types


I’ll be on someone tonight. Not saying who as it defeats the purpose of me guarding :smiley: