Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)


@pug did you kill Wolfy or was that a fake yolobomb note

My bet is on the latter, but if you are an Alchemist we’ll find out tonight so just own up to it

If Pug heals Meth, Insanity dies.

Are you willing to push him now?

Alch can’t heal bleeding in FOL

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PKR why don’t you protect Mole to prove your loyalty. Noz should also protect Mole. That way he has double strength protection :blush:.

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Pug should poison someone who we think is scum to prove I reckon.

That’s really suspicious.
Why get Knight to waste protection if you’d be wanting me to guard anyway?
Are you trying to make it so more deaths happen Hip?

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That is true and while Demon seems more likely, Paranoid exists as well.

Because I know you aren’t gonna guard him anyway so leaving Mole under only your protection is a really dumb idea lmao.

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nvm rip

Can anything?

like who lol

Anyways, I’m fine with not healing insanity regardless lol

sorry if BD buddy

I imagine any protectives will be on Mole anyway seeing as if he dies we literally just lose.


I don’t need protection tonight. Pug should follow my plan plz

Well the physician can stop Insanity from bleeding, but I am not dismissing the unseen game with Herbalist.

If that was a herbalist. I would be dead. As they were BD

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Wisp in FoL doesn’t have a target, Moleland. I can’t wisp you, it’s random as to who gets it.
I will do it tonight, however.

It doesn’t even contradict with Methnor’s princess flirt and they know they have to match with this.

… god damn, is it still sent to two people?