Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

And how is that?

Not guarding Mole isn’t at all scum AI?

I’ve heard it all folks

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Legit any other retaliation would have been more believable than “it’s NAI”

Next time try “wow that’s scummy as shit, sorry”

Insanity went to Orange again, NozBugz. And Orange just confirmed it.

Literally I have no idea why he should attempt to do that against someone who’s immune to occupy.

Well if you are smart, where’d you get this info. And don’t give me “I fakeclaimd as BD shit” Mole already did that

If you are smart, I wouldn’t need to explain this.

You literally can’t fakeclaim as Knight anymore, if you attempt to attack BD - you commit suicide right away.

So am I going to understand that PKR used Guard on Insanity anyway just to support your action?

No, you haven’t thought of that didn’t you?

Do you still think I killed Hippo? I figured PKR would have Mole on lockdown with his guard, so I went to test my feeling Insanity was scum. Is there anything wrong with that?

And should your gut being wrong, you have died.

But instead, you are still talking all and well.

Because I know you are lying your ass off

But you have avoided my question, never the less.

What is your question?

I said that to support your claim with Cold Steel against Insanity, he have to be cult and somehow gained protection either by King or Alchemist (or Court Wizard)

Or he’s Demon. But the latter is less likely.

And why is the latter less likely? I said he was most likely cult leader/cult member or Demon at NIGHT 4. Now he is lock demon. It seems you are twisting my words good sir.

If he’s Demon, why is he targeting Orange instead of either Polik or Moleland?

1, at the start all scum killer classes are random killing, on N2 he attacked orange and his drunk claim worked, so he random killed N3 and then went for Polik. I mean I can CS again if you want me too

Orange never mentioned he got attacked twice.

Did I ever mention orange getting attacked 2 times?