Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

In fact, if I were you - you would protect the alchemist if cult have stupid idea to attack him so he can’t win.

You are basically telling you are Devout King.

No I am not.
1 v 1 would be:
You v Orange or You v Meth.
2 neutrals who don’t give a damn = Me and Pug.

Pug haven’t answered for hours, but you can’t be too wrong about this.

I already made truce with him and I don’t give two shit about your little entertainment game which side will be victorious.

So this begs the question about your survival tonight:

Who will you guard?

I’m guarding Orange.
You wouldn’t dare kill me.
You’ll kill Meth.
I want and will get my 1 v 1 with 2 Neuts.

Also, Pug has sided with you already?
Since when?
I believe that’s just a lie.

He fear I may indirectly target him, I won’t.

And I think you just want me to attack you instead, Orange won’t able to kill me until the night after.

Pug will take care of Methnor.

And if you don’t protect Pug…

He can’t convert and the other option is Blood of Mithras which forces him to sacrifice him to either kill Orange or Pug.

What’s the point protecting the hunter if you are cult king.

The trial has ended with 1 vote to execute and 3 votes to pardon.

Also, I don’t believe Deception keeps people’s votes “stuck”, just that any further votes to put Frostwolf to trial will rebound to Nozbugz (That’s what I meant by not just one vote cycle), so people can vote for nolynch if they want.

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I see, I see. My point still remains the same.

So you want three-sided battle?

/vote Methnor

If I were you Orange, you can bleed me tonight and get two cultists in one day and night.

Or we nolynch, pug wifom heals somebody because you can’t rampage anymore and we lynch you tomorrow

Don’t be ridiculous. Orange have to be stupid not to eliminate both cultists before next day so he won’t get backstabbed.

And since NozBugz have converted you, Methnor. I very doubt the cult will last longer.

I’m not converted, baby girl, I just don’t want to see you manipulate PKR into giving you a win.

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PKR can win with me, no problem.

@Methnor I win with anyone.
Also, we all know you’re converted so please don’t try that part

You are saying?

And protecting this invoker turned cult leader is your goal and when NozBugz won’t be executed, Pug will likely heal and forced to heal Orange so he won’t die like in FoL2

So no it’s not worth protecting him.

I am guarding Orange and that’s final.
Kill Meth, go ahead.
But Orange is mine.
He will be in a 1 v 1 with 2 neutrals and that’s that.