Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

/no lynch

/vote Methnor

PKR why are you not hopping on this lmao

As I want a 1 v 1 with 2 neuts.
If we vote Meth, then it’ll be a 1 v 0.
Meth needs to stay alive for now, for you to be able to be alive too.

Who cares about your entertainment.

I will be more than happy to kill you just you can lose.

Then do it.
As I know you won’t Frost.
But you’d be worried of Pug siding with Meth or Orange.
So you’d not do that, correct?

Pug need your protection or you lose his vote because cult is stupid enough to kill something.

NozBugz dies and Methnor becomes new king, in order for BD to win however, devout king must be executed and I die as hero.

But you need to be alive to see this entertaining, you are just stupid to realize I did the hard work to keep the people occupied with their own survival than trying to replace for competent king.

I don’t hear them talking about replacing you after that.

The Alchemist won’t side with either side and you said earlier you give no damn about the situation despite you voted me earlier.

So how I know you’re not Devout King?

Alright then, Alche has to side eventually.
You by yourself, are a side, are you not?
I voted you. as majority voted on you.
Also, my actions have been nothing but neutral all game.
I protected Moleland earlier which is Pro-BD.
But then did something Anti-BD which was let him die (Mainly because I wasn’t online, but same thing)

Two people were not majority.

And the reason I want the cult to end, is one: BD manage to destroy cult in the end but the fool made them very close game and is at mercy at alchemist and you, the cult will be eliminated. Two, you may be up to your last guard and that’s fine. But the problem remains is that alchemist still have one emerald potion to use, the only targets she can choose is me, orange or you.

To me, it won’t budge and to NozBugz he’s dying to wolf, Methnor executing will be Pro-BD at best so you can focus on the last obstacle: me and Orange.

Stop protecting the cult if you rather win with BD.

@Ami @Pug would appreciate a vote here

I did vote -_-

I mean for Meth :wink:

Nah, that would be gamethrowing

Right so
No lynch today, Frost kills someone and maybe Pug heals them, Frost dies tomorrow, conveniently Brainwash is off cooldown then, everyone goes home happy?

Yeah no, I am not.

Methnor get executed and NozBugz get killed so only me and Orange will get the debate who get the win.

@PokemonKidRyan Oh yeah you forget Methnor have majority of two votes, like you did to me.