Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

And by that, I know he can’t be killed.

Orange rather stays BD than becoming servant of cult.

Cult cannot convert tonight anyway and you can kill cult if you really care about Orange not being cult.
So we can just pass and let you deal with them.
Then it’d be Orange v You with me and Pug as neutrals left over.
Would it not?

@Methnor you’ve been saying to nolynch but haven’t actually submitted a nolynch all day.
Are you active here or what?


Oh whoopsies.
That was during my sleep.
My bad.
/Royal Finger the Nolynch
@Ashe a majority of 4 votes has been reached on Nolynch: Meth, Noz and 2x me

Devout King confirmed.

What happen to your I vote with majority? Huh Huh?

I’m not devout, I’m cowardly (but slightly mean)
I wanted fun and I said how I wanted to get my fun.
As a result, I have chosen to do this my way.

Even though you voted me before this nolynch, that way of fun?

More of contradiction since I pulled Deception ability just to save my skin, like why would you go for nolynch after you realize I can’t be voted today?

That’s stupid and not fun.

So tomorrow, we are showing all of our cards what’s played.


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Please accept the Demon’s win. I’ll give you the heals if it means we can both win.

NK wins are cooler than the 21st Cult win and Cult lose either way. So vote meth up tomorrow if no lynch passes through today. NK win will be cool.

Frost. Don’t let the retri happen

BD wins are cool too :cry:

Actually, can you even finger a nolynch vote???

nah. Neuts in my man. I am so sorry

He fingered on Frost so probs not

:squid: :angry:

No, read lol