Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

It was a good ruse tbh it seems like something you’d do, and I kind of blanked on the fact that you didn’t do anything night 1. I was distracted by IRL stuff for the first few in-game days sadly so I forgot details. Then the Fool execution happened and it was like :man_shrugging:

I’m more surprised PKR didn’t point it out.

Yeah. When I knew the success of the BD was very much gone, I was rooting for you guys, and was praying that you would have gotten the Demon earlier. Still was wrong there xD

And this is actually the first time I read Orange correctly origianlly. But thought he got converted when he gave up because he normally gives up like that when he’s scum at times. I guess he’s learnt and had me convinced there

He was busy remember~

Though can I make a point that I found kind of annoying

If we have a Fool, can we make sure it is an active player that get’s the Fool, because there was a point where Sketch should have either been replaced or modkilled, but yet, he was still in the game. I was thinking it was suspicious when I was dead.

I’m thinking that if Fool is rolled in future games, look at a person’s activity, and if they are really not active, replace for another neutral or replace a more active player with it as we got massively punished for it due to the lack of inactivity, and I think it will defeat the inactivity = scum = easy Fool win meta

Technically I won, because I used to be Cult.

I am just the anti-hero.

Yeah, I agree with Wolf’s point there.
Sketch was executed because of inactivity mostly, so it screwed us over for something which wasn’t our fault.
Therefore we need to reconsider Fool in FoL.
Or at least that’d be a suggestion to the FoL team.

Anyway, I chose not to point things out because I wanted Demon alive so BD would be killed.
Allowing for more thoughts to be put on you than me

I have no choice but eliminate the BD single-handedly where the cult cannot do that, which they performed bad as well - they are just lucky to be alive.

And yes, single-handedly. through deception and killing alike.

Clearly I am the MvP :stuck_out_tongue:

They ignored the fact that pointing me out as high BD reason is actually sign that you knew I am the Demon and I agreed to get them off your back.

So yeah, the reason I am not on the execution block until Day 6 and Day 7 is they believe I am good guy.

You were lucky that

a. I was dead
b. People didn’t read my journal properly and then realised that you said I talked to you and said that I spoke to Ryan and used a code word

Also Frost - You were so obvious scum in the eyes of the dead. You always push too hard and act so scummy when you’re scum! How people did not see it from the first day but me!

Dead can’t tell tales, so what’s your point?

I contribute stuff, are you sure you are not talking about Day 1?

I would have done a push on you either day two or day three, so you were lucky to have killed me.

No. From day 2, you started getting scummier in my eyes, and I couldn’t put a finger on why. I recognised the behavior in Eevee’s game, so why didn’t my brain kick into high gear and pushed you then…

From that behaviour I saw, you were going to be my push/policy lynch for the third day

Point it out, please.

I am obvious upset you died though.

Sure you are(!) :roll_eyes:

This will take a bit of a while to trawl through the game again and I’m currently at school, so once I’m home, I’m going to trawl through the day again and show you the points I thought was weird/scummy to me

Nice, we won

Now everyone, I will get some rest from these forums as I have wanted to for the longest time.

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