Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

Wolfy if you were alive later in the game I would have converted you <3

Orange did not mentioned he got attacked and healed at night 5.

What boo-boo.

It’s nothing compared to +4000 FoL game, that would be ridiculous to read through.

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Polik is still alive at that day I spoke these lines.

That was 19 irl days ago and before most people had even claimed D3. The only way you could have more obviously been demon is if you wore literally horns and breathed fire.


Legit tho the only ppl more susp was the guy literally trying to be as sus as possible and King “y u tunnel me” PKR.

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@Wolfy I called pkr scum king day 2. This match was terribly balanced. If cult had converted day 2, then bd lose majority night 1.

Only noz played well as scum too. Sigh


I thought Noz did pretty decent as scum this game.

You guys realize when Priest fails his revive it doesn’t expend the charge? Frost kept insisting his revive was wasted when this is not true to the game mechanics.

Fun game to watch.

Also, this is what you get for hanging “afk” players :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ashe literally said it did

I’m annoyed that people like myself, orange and hip lost, whilst people like pkr, luxx and polik won.


That’s not in line with previous FoL games, nor the actual Priest in the game (rip)

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Orange didn’t deserve to win


Yeah he did. He was right about everything. Just cried himself to sleep over fool bs in a lylo game


Maybe with that, that’s when I thought Orange was converted.

And no offence Sketch, but you didn’t deserve to win. I’m not trying to be harsh there Ashe but as I said further up, the fact the Sketch was still alive when there was a point he would have had to been mod killed/ replaced made me think there was an issue there. Sketch managed to respond once saying he would have been active, but then would have had to have a prod and then get replaced.

Fool when inactive harms BD too much and as suggested, should probably have a bit of a chang which I said further up. As well as the other reasons I said, if the Fool is inactive and does successfully get lynched, then it would be fair that there would be a day of no voting instead of the 2/3 day voting as the Fool really didn’t so anything the whole game to achieve the execution.

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Fool should no longer be in FOL. If the mods want a tricksy class in the game, add in Masochist


In the end, it’s up to the team.

When I do SFoL, I will pity you if Fool gets rolled in the list…

But if that happens, I will add in special provisions and see if it’s reasonable with my co. I believe it’s Ashe still

It is somewhat frustrating to be spot on with your reads and then duly get completely and utterly fucked lol.

Noz did actually play his best game yet I agree. :clap::clap::clap:


I got converted at the right time do do the right stuff. I killed you Moleland, I was invoker when Pug went to kill Brax