Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

Response in bold

May I ask why I feel like Evil King?
I’ve been trying to discourage claiming (It literally gives scum a smorgasbord to choose from)
Also been actively trying to lead.
Finally, I’ve been trying to promote discussion.

Yes, I’ve disagreed with you and suspected you Mole.
But I don’t see how that makes me evil.
Furthermore, you do sound different to usual and you cannot even deny that.
Both Frost and Wolfy agree with me there.

You say I sound different every time I’m bd lol. You know either myself or luxx is scum, yet you don’t want a knight to Cs either of us, nor a maid to check. That’s not what I’d expect from a bd king

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Nyeh, just look at Killer/Offensive BD class and you can find my class in one of them :wink:

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Literally you claim observer D2 and you out for what you expect to be a fool or scorned.
Which in itself seems a bit of a waste to me.
It further seems possible that while you saw Luxx as this and you was converted.
Therefore you cannot faction check anymore and you wanted to out to gain towncred.
I’m just trying to consider everything as sometimes it seems that people in this game don’t do that.
In which, I’m sure you agree with me there, as other common FoL players would too.

Why don’t I want Maid to check Day 2. Well, as I said, you’re literally giving evil a smorgabord of info.
It seems like somewhich which isn’t BD motivated from my perspective.
If you’re so sure Luxx is flipping Scorned or Fool, why waste 2 abilities on them (Maid’s and yours) plus get a knight to cold steel them?
That’s 3 things wasted on a flipping potential Scorned which seems a complete waste.

I didn’t want knight to coldsteel as I don’t really trust you.
I still don’t really trust you, but, I’m allowing you to explain yourself at least.
Despite how little I actually believe of it.

Kyo isn’t in game…

Two people we need to keep in our mind of not playing, Ashe and Kyo


Can we agree Polik is inactive as usual?

They both posted before so I’m getting confuzzled :frowning:

Yes, we can of course.

It’s impossible for knight to waste cs as it is infinite uses

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| 1 Why, Luxx is one of first choices because of way too convenient Observer claim on her discover and Luxx is in no way Unseen unless both Moleland and Luxx are buddies and is hoping to divert your attention elsewhere, anyone else except Wolfy is not lock-BD so that’s two choices for today 1 |

| 2 Able to discuss as BD and gain towncred are the ones to watch out in consideration, including myself, there is not enough people to make it three so I am going to conclude the same as above (Wolfy) due able to discuss valid points from the recent events with prince’s dead and observer claim find out prisoner’s faction 2 |

| 3 I also don’t have enough scumreads on everyone due inactivity to majority and mistakes are made that aren’t making floor-breaking upon the slips, if you know what I mean. 3 |

| 4 While it’s true for those not contributing for Blue Dragon’s cause get ticket to graveyard but that’s quite harsh in day 2 right now and Christmas will be closing in for especially Day 3 or Day 4 which will be critical for town/scumreading and discussing actions so I can’t be too sure right now, since majority of BD are inactive too and it’s not worth the risk with hit or miss gamble 4 |

5 | Seeing that one kill have happened first night and if I am right that Moleland is outing Luxx due to her as Assassin then we have found the main baddies already (And you as evil king due being defensive with Luxx) but that is not proven with evidence against them, there’s none aside from Moleland himself with his window peek ability, Moleland is alternative and without Prince to jail him, we can only pray he is immune to occupation to confirm his actual role.

Not sure what people landed on btw but AFAIK jail doesn’t prevent visits in FoL, only attacks and occupation. It is plausible that Moleland is what he says, but something feels off about it to me.
I don’t really have any reads yet, I also need to reread since the start of the day but overall, as I said before, I’m unsure about Moleland, don’t think I trust it.
I don’t think we should think about voting inactives just yet, this game has been simmering for a while and I don’t think everybody’s caught up completely on the fact that it’s actually going on now, we’ll see in a few days what we should do about that IMO (real time days, not game days).


did you miss me telling him to get some viagra?

like boi

I’m down to /vote Insanity for now

that’s fair, but I also am not comfortable pushing Mole rn

There’s nothing to push, really. He made a claim, the only confirmable way we have at this moment of proving it is hanging Luxx or hanging him, neither of which probably needs to be done at this juncture. Hopefully tomorrow more light will be shed.
Also hopefully we have a Priest to revive Simon.

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all in favor of electing Meth again? :wink:


As for me, i am pretty suspicious of Moleland’s claim. Something doesn’t sit right with me.

i would need to know if Window’s peak works on a Prince target.

As for my townreads. So far PKR and Orange have the strongest town read, mostly because they haven’t deviated in anyway from their normal behavior.

The rest of you are slight townreads, everyone except moleland and luxx of course, though i am inclined to believe she is a nuetral social. Or the actual Sherrif. because no one has counterclaimed her yet.

FYI someone needs to add that tells you when a player is online or not.


At least it’s not Jammy as King, no offense - some fresh experience is required yo.

This time, I don’t see obvious scumslips from king so far - reluctant is one thing but it’s not that big of issue.