Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

If Celeste yoloed then we have electro. If Celeste did not yolo we have demon who failed attack N1.

Or a Possessor or Reaper.

Anyways finding out if the NK is one of those is worth killing an Alchemist.

/Vote Celeste

Agreed, but let’s out some pressure on Insanity first. Then we could always get Celeste.

We don’t even have Insanity’s class, when he is a suspect of being the NK. We have Celeste’s class we could always kill them.

I’d rather Lynch insanity and leave Celeste to prince, if it comes down to it

What did I lied for?

I can’t be the NK.

Cuz if so, I would already got some kill.

Why is this?


To be frank, if you are electro and Celeste yoloed Marl, than you could be NK. I don’t understand your claim about you getting kills. There are some things that you can’t control, which can prevent you from getting kills. Also I need a class or you are going to die.

This is my ultimatum, give a class or die.

If we Lynch Insanity, prince should have a jail on Celeste. And healers should heal Moleland.

I thought you didn’t want Mole healed.
Why the change of heart?

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Based on the little evidence we have, I do not think we should sentence Moleland to death. I also want phys claims to prove themselves. We could always push Moleland tommorow, if we deem that he is sus.

I will claim my class only at the point of necessary.

Anyone suspecting PKR?

We went through this already. Tonight is PKR’s night.

My picks for shiftyness

  1. Insanity
  2. Celeste
  3. Night
  4. PKR

Elaborate on this please.

PKR Rezz Marl or dies tommorow.