Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

Pug and Celeste*

I got a DNR as King though? :thinking:

If we poison Wolfy

We lose ourselves a Butler
If we’re lucky. Cult loses an Invoker

Except for the fact that it gives us info
I’m not suggesting we hang him, I’m suggesting a butler poisons
We can’t waste a lynch

oh that was changed?

nvm, butler will suicide

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sorry internet is shit rn.

Parents trying to download a movie upstairs and Australia’s internet is shit so hooray.

we really need to change that
since there is no way to remove a cowardly king from the throne now

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Don’t poison Wolfy!
There’s no reason to do so!
Please Marl…
Just keep him alive.
Even if you’re not suggesting for Wolfy to be hanged, you’re suggesting for him to be killed and I am saying no

I could have lied and continued saying I was a Good King, yet I didn’t. Does that sound town or scum motivated though Marl?


Yes but you need to realize - you could also be devout trying to claim cowardly to stay alive
either way my plan wont work since butler suicides if he poisons a cking

Someone needs to visit Wolfo tonight.

I’d suggest someone who can’t really do too much else.

I could very well do it.

But Meth needs to live

Now that we sorted out that king nonsense.
We need to analyse (and get in) all claims.
Then we can hopefully find the N1 convert and the likely N3 convert

In a strange twist of fate, I could Wolf Wolfy

I’d like to hear from both maids and figure out why the fuck Moleland wasn’t bleeding from my Wolf

Might give us some clue

Remember, Dama and Frostwolf were incompatible
and Dama was supposed to prove last night

Mole said he was bleeding Marl?
I remember him saying.
So are both healers evil?

Yes, but he’s not dead