Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

Marl should wolf pug cuz he’ll live if phys

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Surprised cult hasn’t bleed anyone today yet

But then Marl is exposed to cult kill

He’ll live if he’s BD from my attack anyway.
Marl should wolf somebody else sus.

With two members likely?

Nope. Wouldn;t happen

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Mole already said he would.
I know he’ll be fine.

We cover pretty much every base except you and Friday with this plan anyway

Not Mole.

Sooo Alfa saw the moderror?

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Frost=Friday, thanks mobile

If Cult converted this night, then it means they cannot take an action to put them in a position where there is a member left alive, and then instantly lose once lynching the cl

Yup, you’re bombing Sam tonight

I still think one of the maids was converted N3

But but, I only take orders from ze Prince :frowning:

Cool story

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Still flailing that badly?

You actually think I am converted?? Or are you just covering boundries

Look at how much Sam is flailing though. Imagine how much he will despair when you bomb him

Yes and yes

@Moleland Do you want me to bomb Sam like how people are asking?