Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

You were suppose to get them executed, not killed lel

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I’ll take it

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Okay you are new. Okay you never play Cult.

Do a double suicide Day 2 and leave the Cat behind? In the name of holy hell, damned heaven, and blank purgatory, I never see anything like that.

I think my toaster has more volume than your brains.

This loss isn’t even your fault
You got converted to a loss by two people who misplayed hard
you played fine Kitty

who’d you try to convert?

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Pkr apprently

PKR hoping the Paladin forgot to bless

Cause you can wolf. Mole is a Killer

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I was dead anyway so you couldn’t try to convert me

sorry dama for convert you, next game i join i hope you got NK so you can kill me

wish you luck

If the NK is Revenant I accept that

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Converting Dama wasn’t bad it was your day-play which let u down and led to both cult getting immediate wrecked.

Claiming knight with incredibly low effort reads is really bad

Knights need to be tryharding or they’ll fuck up when they CS

(See KyoDaz in SFoL12 for what is (in my opinion) a good example of knight play.)

Also tech having what seems to be the hardest scumslip in FoL history, lel.


Was the new reaper

Also, happy with the win as the new cowardly :smiley_cat:

Noooo. Don’t try to convert me ever.
I like being BD not scum T-T

@Hippolytus Frost was one target… who was the other?

Honestly Dama converting You or Hippo is like one of the only things that could’ve brought that game back from the brink

and Both of you were convert immune that night so

rip cult

Sam lol I did the least ingenuitive strat ever of just comparing my 2 targets.


Never convert PKR?

I rlly wanted an Observer on me N2 as I switched sam and Frost and said I compared them and having an Observer verify my visits probably could have got the lynch through.

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I kinda fucked up tbh Marl.

You know when you originally said guard Insanity, completely forgot :sweat_smile: